Jan 21, 2014


As you might know on January 16th the nominations for the Oscars 2014 were announced.

  • Watch the the 9 trailers in the link below:

  • Once you have watched the trailers for the nine nominees for The Best Picture fill in the quizz below:


    • By now  you should have practised some vowel and consonant sounds in the BBC site.Make sure you've gone through all the quizzes in the BBC site.
    • You can do more practice here.
    •  Let's start testing yourselves. Do this short test.
    • If you need extra explanation on any sound, click here and you'll get to learn how to pronounce all the symbols and sounds in English.
    • Finally explore this useful interactive:

          Jan 20, 2014

          PHONETICS I

          This is the first in a series of post about phonetics. We will learn the phonetic symbols and their sound to help you improve your pronunciation in English.

          Have you ever wondered what those strange symbols are that appear next to words in the dictionary?

          They are a guide to pronounciation called Phonetics. Those symbols represent sounds, of which there are roughly 44 in the English language.

          They may seem challenging at first but it is like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you can do it, it is easy and you never forget.

          Watch the following videos from the site we will be using to practice phonetics, BBC Learning English, to know the hows and whys of what we are going to learn about.

          Why should you learn the different English sounds? Why should you learn the symbols? Watch the next video to find out:

          Have a look at  the interactive phonemic chart below:

          Let's become familiar with the sounds of English by clicking on the different symbols. Click on each symbol to go to the video with the explanations: Sounds of English. 
          • Start by clicking on the sound /i/ and doing the activities in Unit 1. 
          • Some more practice here.
          • Now go to the Minimal Pair Website and go through the activities there.

          Jan 15, 2014


          1. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps: 

          2. Circle the pair of words that rhyme:

          Shine – Mine

          Love – Move
          Life – Live
          Rough – Tough
          Make – Cake
          Rough – Roof

          3. Find the synonyms in the song:

          distrust, concern, disallow, glimmer, glare, difficult, big

          Jan 8, 2014


          Here you have a game to practice the personality adjectives you have learnt:
          - En Garde

          Watch the video and repeat the words:

          Jan 5, 2014


          Have a look at the infographic below: 

          Here you can practise the difference between present perfect simple and past simple tenses by playing some games. The first game is called Fling the teacher and you have to choose the correct option 15 times to win the game. You have to choose between present perfect simple and past simple tense. Good luck.

          Fling the teacher1
          Fling the teacher 2

          The last game is a quiz. Complete the gaps with present perfect or past simple tense and if you score more than 80% you will get to play a game called Angry Finches. Enjoy the game!!!


          Here you can find some games to learn and practise the verbs: