Showing posts with label 3º ESO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 3º ESO. Show all posts

Jun 4, 2013


Happy world environment day!!

Discover how green you are...Interesting activities HERE

Jun 2, 2013

Vocabulary exercises to help learn football words. If you're a football fan you can find  football activities HERE. Check it out!

Apr 7, 2013

Feb 10, 2013


The nominees for the Oscars 2013 are here! The Oscar ceremony will be held next February 24th. There are 9 films nominated.
You have to go to the page below, click on the nine films nominated for best picture, read a liitle about the directos, the actors, the plot, etc, and watch the trailer for each one of them (about two minutes). Then you have to write about what you think of each one of the pictures, what kind of picture it is and which one you would like to watch and why. 

powered by tricider

Jan 28, 2013


You have the new goal in English Central. You have time until February 4th!!
Enjoy it!
3º ESO

Jan 20, 2013


This is the second year that I'll be using English Central  to help you improve your speaking and listening skills in English.

English Central allows you to practice PRONUNCIATION with any video you choose and then get feedback on how well you are doing. It also has other possibilities of study such as phonetics and vocabulary.
First of all, enroll in my class by clicking here if you belong to 4º and HERE if you belong to 3ºA. You need to register with your full name, valid email address and password. Now you are part of my group of students.
You'll be assigned different challenges each week and your performance will be part of your marks this term. Remember you must watch the videos within your class. 

GOALS: 3º y 4º ESO:4,000 POINTS - 4 VIDEOS
WEEK 1: from Tuesday2nd February to Tuesday 9thFebruary

Dec 19, 2012


You’re going to listen to a classic Christmas carol.
Bing Crosby sang it for the first time in 1941, but this version is more modern.
The singer is Taylor Swift, a young and talented country singer

These verbs are missing... Put them in their right place!
Dreaming(x3)          know(x2)          listen           write

Dec 15, 2012


Penny Gives Sheldon a Christmas Gift

   Answer the questions
  •  Do you usually give people Christmas Gifts? Who do you usually give to?
  • What kind of gifts do you usually give/receive?
  •   Have you been surprised by any gift? Was it a good or bad surprise? Why?
  • What do you usually do when you don´t like a gift you ´ve got?
  • What do you do when you really like the gift?

.    Now watch the first segment, and answer the questions bellow: 
  •     What´s Sheldon´s problem about Penny´s gift?
  •     How does Penny react?
  •        How does he solve this dilemma?

Watch the second segment and answer the questions bellow:

  •     What gift does Penny give Sheldon? Why is it so important?
  •     How does Sheldon react to his gift?
  •     What gift does Penny give Leonard? Does he like it?
  •     What gift does Leonard give Penny? Does she like it?


Dec 2, 2012


How are you feeling today? Are you having an exciting day or are you really annoyed? Watch the next video and you will soon find out if you are borED or borING.

Now take the following challenges:
Challenge 1, Challenge 2 and Challenge 3

And now it is your chance to use these adjectives. Describe an experience you've had using a mixture of-ing/-ed adjectives. The best  will be published on our wiki.

Nov 19, 2012


 We are going to learn a bit more about this holiday...

The First Thanksgiving from Lynne_martell

- Now, try this QUIZZ

- HERE you can find mora information and test your knowledge on Thanksgiving celebration: Good luck!!

- Further reading and listening: 

- Now, write your "Thank you" message to a friend in your class in the wallwisher of our wiki .

- Finally listen to the following "Thank you" song , choose your own "thank you" song and write some exercises abour it. Then, send them to me so that I can post them in our wiki. 

Lyrics | Sinead O'connor lyrics - Thank You For Hearing Me lyrics

Nov 5, 2012

Oct 28, 2012


Halloween is getting nearer and it's time for scary stories.

- You must choose one of the stories in the following site an be ready to re tell it to your mates. Let's see how good you are at storytelling!!

- What do you know about Halloween? Read the text and complete the gaps. Then choose the correct anwers:

- Now watch the video and write a story about it. Then make the activities below:

Song Thriller