Feb 9, 2014


The 11th Safer Internet Day will be celebrated worldwide on Tuesday 11 February 2014. The theme for the day is: "Let's create a better internet together". By working together we will build a better internet for all, but particularly children and young people.

First of all we are going to watch a video about cyberbullying(Cyberbullying is the activity of sending messages or images to someone using the Internet or a mobile phone in order to frighten or hurt them). This award-winning video shows how Joe is cyberbullied. The film shows how cyberbullying can happen, who it involves, how it can affect teenagers and their families, and what can be done to handle and prevent it.

Now let's watch this video about Lauren's ordeal and answer the questions below:

  • What happened to Lauren? 
  • Do you think Susan thought about the consequences of what she did? 
  • What did Lauren have to do to get the bullies to stop?

Now, complete the crossword:

      How to Pronounce the TH Sound in English


      Have you ever said the word FREE when you really wanted to say THREE?
      The “TH” sound in English has been considered one of the most difficult sounds to reproduce phonetically by learners from all over the world, but is it really that difficult?
       NO! In this video lesson I am going to teach you all about the two different “TH” sounds and give you some great tips on how to pronounce this commonly mistaken sound.

      Th Sound, video Transcript


      Below you have the QR codes for a  story by Roald Dahl called Lamb to Slaughter.

      Each  group will scan and read one QR code which contains one of the 11 different extracts of the story .you must try to figure out how the story goes all together by telling the others what your extract is about.

      If you don't have a QR reader, download QR Droid for Android or QR Reader for iPhone.

      Have fun!

      Now that you've come with the story, let's watch the short film based on it by Hitchcock: